AEOLIKI Ltd is participating actively in a number of European Programmes in the fields of environment and energy (5th Framework Programme, 6th Framework Programme, 7th Framework Programme , MEDA, INCO-MED) either as prime contractor, coordinator, co-proposer, or as subcontractor.
An indicative list of the Programmes AEOLIKI Ltd has participated during the last is the following :
Funded by LIFE Programme. Duration 3 years (2011 – 2014) -
Funded by DG TREN – European Commission. Duration 4 years (2008 – 2011) -
ALTERMOTIVE - Deriving effective least-cost policy strategies and integrated promotion of alternative automotive concepts and alternative fuels
Funded by 7th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (2008-2011) -
EIA_FUZZY LOGIC – Development of Fuzzy Logic based SW application for the Environmental Impact Assessment
Funded by European Structural Funds and Research Promotion Foundation, Duration 3 years (2008-2011) -
“Development of an emissions inventory that will include the creation of an air emission database and the purchase of a software for the simulation of Ambient Air Quality”, Funded by European Structural Funds. Department of Labour Inspection, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, (2007-2011)
Biodiesel Chains – Promoting favourable conditions to establish biodiesel market actions
Funded by Intelligent Energy Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (2006 – 2008). -
Mitigation of WaterStress through new approaches to Integrating management, technical, economic and institutional instruments, AQUASTRESS – Integrated Project
Funded by the 6th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 4 years (2006 – 2009). -
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable water Management in the Mediterranean Countries
Funded by the 6th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (2006 – 2008). -
LIFE-Technical Assistance to Jordan for the implementation of the Environmental Management Systems in the Hotel Industry
Funded by 6th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (2005-2008) -
EMAS-MOVEIT – Manage and Communicate a great and unique regional tourist “all inclusive product package”
Funded by ECO-Innovation Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (2009 – 2012) -
ERA Bioenergy Strategy - Short term measures to develop the European research area for bioenergy RTD
Funded by 5th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 2 years (2002 – 2003). -
Regional energy project under the framework of the MEDA regulation – Restructuring of energy companies
Funded by the MEDA Programme– European Commission, Duration 2 years (2002 – 2003). -
Regional energy project under the framework of the MEDA regulation – Reform of the legal and institutional energy sector framework
Funded by the MEDA Programme– European Commission, Duration 2 years (2002 – 2003). -
Energie et environment urbain dans les pays Mediterranees
Funded by the MEDA Programme– European Commission, Duration 1 year (2002 – 2003). -
Towards a White Paper for RES and RUE : Strategy and action plan for the Republic of Cyprus
Funded by the ALTERNER Programme– European Commission, Duration 2 years (2002 – 2003). -
Geographical Data Bases for Energetic, Environmental an Urban Planning
Funded by the MEDA Programme– European Commission, Duration 1 year (2002 - 2003). -
“Development of tools and guidelines for the promotion of the sustainable urban wastewater treatment and reuse in the agricultural production in the Mediterranean Countries”.
Funded by the 6th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 6 years (2005 – 2010). -
Implementation of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive in Slovac Republic
Funded by MEDA Programme. Duration 3 years (2003 – 2005) -
Developing strategies for regulating and managing water resources and demand in water deficient regions
Funded by the 5th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 4 years (2002 – 2005). -
Technical Development and Demonstration of Closed-Loop Procedures in Electroplating and Metal Chemistry using Solar Energy or Waste Heat to avoid Waste Water and to Minimize Solid Waste which can be utilized
Funded by the INCO-DC Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (1998-2001). -
Energy savings by CHCP plants in the hotel sector
Funded by the SAVE Programme– European Commission, Duration 2 years (1998-2000). -
Mediterranean co-operation for water desalination policies in a sustainable development (MED-CO-DESAL)
Funded by the INCO-DC Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (1998-1999). -
“Preparation of an action plan for improving the efficiency of the energy sector of the island of Cyprus – Technical assistance to the Government of Cyprus within the framework of the SYNERGY Programme”
Co-funded by the Directorate General XVII (SYNERGY Programme) and the Government of Cyprus. Duration 2 years (1998-1999). -
“A Strategic Energy Plan for the future accession of Cyprus in the EU and for the strengthening of ties between Malta and EU”
Co-funded by the Directorate General XVII (SYNERGY Programme) and the Government of Cyprus. Duration 2 years (1998-1999). -
“Potential options to facilitate investment in the field of energy in the Mediterranean Partner countries”
Funded by the Directorate General XVII. Duration 1 year (1998). -
“Energy conservation strategy study for Romania”
Funded by the Directorate General XVII. Duration 1 year (1998-1999). -
“Energy savings by Combined Heat Cooling Power plants in the hotel sector”
Funded by the Directorate General XVII. SAVE Programme. Duration 2 years (1999-2001). -
“The Renewable Energy Sources Market n Cyprus”
Funded by the Directorate General XVII. Duration 1 year (1998). -
“Energy Exploitation of Municipal Solid Wastes”
Funded by the European Union SYNERGY Programme. Duration 1 year (1998)