AEOLIKI has an extensive experience in the development, organisation, and delivery of training courses in the fields of environment, energy and management systems. The company has offered many pioneer-training courses in the above mentioned fields. Worth noting is the seminar on the Eco-Labeling Scheme which was the driving force for the preparation of the first non-European Union company for the award.
AEOLIKI has offered more than 50 seminars in Cyprus, and Greece during the past ten years.
The list of AEOLIKI's seminars includes :
Basic Principles of Wind Generation Systems (4 days);
Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001) (3 days);
Environmental Audit and Strategy (4 days);
Environmental Impact Assessment (2 days);
Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001 & EMAS) (3 days);
Occupational Health and Safety Systems (ISO 45001) (2 days);
Integrated Management Systems for the Chemical Industries (2 days);
Integrated Management Systems (2 days);
Environmental Management Systems in the Hotel Industry (1 day);
Eco Labeling Scheme (2 days);
Environmental Pollution Control(2 days);
Energy Management Programs for Industry (2 days);
Combined Heat and Power for Industry (1 day);
Combined Heat and Power for Hotels (1 day);
Renewable Energy Sources (2 days);
Environmental Management in oil and gas exploration and production (3 days)