Water Quality Monitoring – Environmental indices
Implementation of Article 11 (Monitoring Programme) of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) 2008/56/EC - Contract No. 14/2020, Department of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2020
Vasilikos Area biological indices monitoring - Baseline Environmental Study of PETROLINA HOLDINGS Ltd. fuel farm at Vasilikos Industrial Zone, (2017);
Akrotiri Limassol Salt Lake biological indices monitoring – EIA for the construction of operation of a 20MW PV plant at Akrotiri Limassol, 1/2016 – 4/2016;
Larnaca Salt Lake biological indices monitoring – Appropriate Assessment for the construction and operation of a 5MW at Dromolaxia Meneou region, 2/2015 – 8/2015;
Preparation and Implementation of a Environmental Management Plan: Execution of onshore and offshore geotechnical investigations, marine bathymetric and geophysics survey for the baseline geotechnical assessment of an LNG facility in Vasilikos, Cyprus, 5/2014 – 9/2014;
Akamas Peninsula (Natura 2000) biological indices monitoring – Appropriate Assessment for the construction and operation of a Tourist Development, 8/2014 – 2/2015;
Biological indices monitoring (flora, fauna, surface water, groundwater, sea) : EIA for the construction of operation of a 50MW Power Station at Vassilikos Area, 4/2014 – 9/2011;
Akrotiri Limassol Salt Lake biological indices monitoring – EIA for the construction of operation of a 50MW Solar Thermal plant at Akrotiri Limassol, 2/2010 – 9/2010;
Risk Management on aquifer recharge in Limassol, Cyprus, 7/2007 – 5/2008;
Groundwater Table management – Akrotiri Limassol Aquifer, 2/2008 – 12/2008
Water Resources Policy and Planning
“Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Mediterranean Region (INECO), financed by the European Commission. DG Research, 6th Framework Programme, INCO-CT-2006-517673, 2006-09;
“Mitigation of Water Stress through new approaches to Integrating Management, Technical Economic and Institutional Instruments (AquaStress Integrated Project)”, financed by the European Commission. DG Research, 6th Framework Programme, Priority “Global Change and Ecosystems”, 511231, 2005-08;
“Developing Strategies for Regulating and Managing Water Resources and Demand in Water Deficient Regions (WaterStrategyMan)”, financed by the European Commission. DG Research, 5th Framework Programme, Water Key Action, EVK1-CT-2001-00098, 2001-05;
“Strengthening complementarity and exploitation of results related RTD projects dealing with water resources use and management in arid and semi-arid regions (ARID CLUSTER)”, financed by the European Commission. DG Research, 5th Framework Programme, EVK1-CT-2002-80018, 2003-05;
Development of tools and guidelines for the promotion of the sustainable urban wastewater treatment and reuse in the agricultural production in the Mediterranean Countries. Funded by the 6th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 6 years (2005 – 2010);
Institutional framework and decision-making practices for water management in Cyprus : Towards the development of a strategy for aquifer protection and management in Pegeia, Pafos, March 2009;
Guidelines towards the application of institutional and econοmic instruments for water management in countries of the Mediterranean Basin, March 2009;
Towards sustainable water resource management : a case study in Limassol Cyprus, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 33, 2008;
Mitigation of Water Stress through new approaches to Integrating management, technical, economic and institutional instruments, AQUASTRESS – Integrated Project. Funded by the 6th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 4 years (2006 – 2009);
Guidance on water stress mitigation, Experiences and Inspirations from the Aquastress Integrated Project, December 2008;
Sustainable Aquifer Management in Cyprus, 2009;
Sustainable Agriculture Management in the Mediterranean Countries under water stress conditions, 2009;
Sustainable Agriculture : Policy components in the area of Limassol, 2009;
Water saving in agriculture, industry and economic instruments : Part A : Agriculture, December 2008;
Water saving in agriculture, industry and economic instruments : Part B : Industry, December 2008;
Water saving in agriculture, industry and economic instruments : Part C : Economic Instruments, December 2008;
Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable water Management in the Mediterranean Countries. Funded by the 6th Framework Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (2006 – 2008).
Development of tools and guidelines for the promotion of the sustainable urban waste water treatment an reuse in the agricultural production in the Mediterranean Countries. Funded by the MEDA Programme (2003 – 2006);
Development of Technical Documentation for the collection and treatment of urban waste water”. Funded by the MEDA Programme (2002-2005);
Analysis of Water management Options for Limassol Regions, Cyprus, Developing Strategies for Water Deficient Regions Methodological Approach and Case, 2005;
Protocols for the Implementation of Improved Water Management Strategies in Water Deficient Regions : Limassol Region Cyprus, 2005;
Guidelines for Integrated Water Management under water stress conditions in the Mediterranean Countries, 2005;
Water Management Strategies for Cyprus, Coping with Drought and Water Deficiency : From Research to Policy Making, ARID Cluster International Conference 2005;
Technical Development and Demonstration of Closed-Loop Procedures in Electroplating and Metal Chemistry using Solar Energy or Waste Heat to avoid Waste Water and to Minimize Solid Waste which can be utilized. Funded by the INCO-DC Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (1998-2001);
Mediterranean co-operation for water desalination policies in a sustainable development (MED-CO-DESAL). Funded by the INCO-DC Programme– European Commission, Duration 3 years (1998-1999);
Applied Water Resources Management
“Hydrologic Studies for more than 200 development projects” in Cyprus (2000 – 2015);
“Use of treated water from a biogas plant in Agia Varvara Pafos, to cover irritation needs for energy crops”, 2015;
“Use of treated water from a biogas plant in Aradippou, to cover irrigation demand”, Green Valley Ltd., 2014;
“Aquifer Recharge with Reclaimed Water in Limassol Cyprus”, 2009;
“Integrated groundwater management under water stress conditions in Akrotiri Region Cyprus”, 2005;
“Water demand study for a Touristic Thematic Park development in Pafos”, 2010;
“Implementation of an integrated system for water and sewerage services for the Cyclades Islands” financed by EYDAP S.A. 2000-01;
“Implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and water quality assessment”;
“Water demand study for a golf course in Pafos”, 2006;