Wind potential measurements are indispensable for the planning and successful operation of good wind farm projects. AEOLIKI Ltd, having compiled the Cyprus Wind Atlas © has both the experience and knowledge required for efficient selection of the measurement location, installation, maintenance and analysis of wind data.
The wind measurements are of high quality, with guaranteed availability.Guyed tubular towers of height between 30-60m are deployed.
A proper wind potential assessment needs a 12-month measurement period. To meet the often urgent requirements for early estimation of the annual wind distribution in a prospect wind farm site, long-term reference measurements from existing meteorological wind stations are exploited through Measure-Correlate-Predict (MCP) algorithms developed and verified by AEOLIKI Ltd. Thus, reasonably reliable estimates (including uncertainty levels) may be reached after an initial 2-3 month measurement period.
The same technique may be also followed for micro-siting purposes within the area of a potential wind farm: one mast is used as a reference (from the initial site assessment phase) and additional masts may be deployed for short periods on neighboring locations to establish correlation matrices and extrapolate the short term results to an annual wind speed-direction distribution.
The wind assessment report provides comprehensive graphs and tables (monthly wind patterns, wind-rose diagrams per month, gust information, overall and sector-wise Weibull parameters, turbulence characterization, AEP calculations, capacity factors, and power density).
The wind stations are built around well-proven data–logging systems offering remote control, programming and data download through a GSM modem. Wind-flow modeling tools are also used for wind potential assessment studies supplementing wind measurements. Notwithstanding the continuous improvement of the performance of state-of-the-art models, the use of numerical wind flow tools in complex terrain are mainly used to identify high and low-wind spots of a prospective wind farm site using the available wind data as (scaling) input.